here are the zines we’ve added to our library catalogue during the past month. thank you everyone for your contributions of these most excellent zines to our ever expanding collection. you are seriously the best. yes, you.
Various. AQSAZINE. Issue #2 / Fall ’09. Politics. Booksize.
Ross, Jamie. Coldwater. Litzine. Booksize.
Unknown. sagittarius horoscope: may.31.2007. Comiczine. Oddsize.
Lawrence, Cate. REQBAT presents: Counting Crows (One to Forty). Comiczine. Oddsize.
Ugly Duckling Presse. 6×6 #20. Litzine. Oddsize.
Jurkowski, A.M. Passing Notes in Class. Fanzine. Halfsize.
Aelick, J. Reginald. Monster Mash #1. Art. Quartersize.
D. Emma & You, Luke. Guest informant #1. Perzine. Halfsize.
Beitragen, Mit. Schrottland #5. Art. Oddsize.
Beitragen, Mit. Schrottland #4. Art. Oddsize.
Morrigan, Clementine. The Dangerous Powers of Witches: Spirituality, Autonomy, Community, and Literacy. Litzine. Quartersize.
Donato, Alfie. Wretchy Zine. Litzine. Halfsize.
dorke. gold rushes. Comics. Halfsize.
Ruin, Jolie. The Escapist Artist #10. Perzine. Halfsize.
Auman, Chris. Reglar Wiglar #22. Perzine. Halfsize.
Krumins, Imants. Craig & Leah. Imantzine Issue #1 June 2013. Art. Half-legal.
Buchanan, Tom & Maeve, Zoe. How Feelings Change Quickly & George Wallace. Litzine. Halfsize.
Sheridan, Jess. 11:59. Comics. Halfsize.
MC Sunflower Jones Productions. I Wanna Believe : Conspiracies & Shit. Litzine. Halfsize.
Riotfag, Nick. Towards a Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle. Politics. Booksize.
Maximumrocknroll #367 (Dec2013). Fanzine: MRR. Fanzine. Magazinesize.
The Street Post / Above the Law (Joint Issue). Vol.5 No.1. (Spring 2003). Politics. Magazine size.
Slingshot Collective. Slingshot #113 (Summer2013) and #114 (Harvest 2013). Politics. Magazinesize.
Patriquin, Lane Silas. Too Much / Not Enough : Thoughts on Gender Weirdness. Gender/Queer. Booksize.
Gatto, John Taylor. Against Schools & The Tyranny of Compulsory Schooling (Yggdrasil Distro). Politics. Booksize.
liesl a. Escape from Ivory Tower: Academic Papers and Reflections and Things – Equity Edition. Politics. Booksize.
Jacobs, Jesse. Blue Winter, Shapes in the Snow (2008). Comics. Oddsize.