The New York Times: Raised on the Web, but Liking a Little Ink

Lately, it seems, the zine is enjoying something of a comeback among the Web-savvy, partly in reaction to the ubiquity of the Internet. Their creators say zines offer a respite from the endless onslaught of tweets, blog posts, I.M.’s, e-mail and other products of digital media.

Function Zine Launch

Function Magazine is an annual arts and culture publication produced by graduating students in the School of Image Arts at Ryerson University. To help promote the magazine and showcase the work our talented student contributors, Function is releasing a series of zines. The first edition of these zines will be revealed at our Zine Launch… Continue reading Function Zine Launch


The Toronto Zine Library will not be having staffed hours this Sunday, October 23 because of Canzine. Come visit us! 918 Bathurst Centre, 918 Bathurst St., 1 – 7 pm

Toronto Zine Library writing group

Interested in coming to a writing group? The Toronto Zine Library is looking to start one. Send us an email and we’ll let you know when we figure things out.