Author: admin
New additions for November 22, 2011
A short collection of personal thoughts / half-size / litzine / Weatherfield I Dreamed I Was Assertive #12 / half-legal / perzine / anonymous I Dreamed I Was Assertive #13 / half-legal / perzine / anonymous Lower East Side Librarian Winter Solstice Shout Out 2009 / half-size / special interest / Jenna Freedman Lower East… Continue reading New additions for November 22, 2011
New additions for November 20, 2011
Aardvark #10 / full-size / perzine / Nadine Complete Chaos #3 / full-size / fanzine / Jen and Davina Drinking Sweat in the Ash Age / half-size / perzine / Mike Taylor and Travis Fristoe Fist in Your Face / half-legal / perzine / Dr. Joe and Dr. Candy Hostile + Intelligence #2 / half-size… Continue reading New additions for November 20, 2011
New additions for November 13, 2011
1, 2, 3 Murder: three tempting sapphic teasers for novice lesbian detective readers / half-size / litzine / Beth Blum, Layne Mullet, and Jenna Peters-Golden 9/11 Flipbook / odd-size / art / Scott Blake Anarchy Can’t Fight Alone! / half-size / politics / Kwasi Balagoon “At the Gates of Hell” and other music stories /… Continue reading New additions for November 13, 2011
November: The TZL is starting a writing group!
That’s right! If you’d like to get involved we want your input. What would you like to see in a writing group? Whatever form it takes we know it will be in the spirit of zines and D-I-Y.
The New York Times: Raised on the Web, but Liking a Little Ink
Lately, it seems, the zine is enjoying something of a comeback among the Web-savvy, partly in reaction to the ubiquity of the Internet. Their creators say zines offer a respite from the endless onslaught of tweets, blog posts, I.M.’s, e-mail and other products of digital media.
Function Zine Launch
Function Magazine is an annual arts and culture publication produced by graduating students in the School of Image Arts at Ryerson University. To help promote the magazine and showcase the work our talented student contributors, Function is releasing a series of zines. The first edition of these zines will be revealed at our Zine Launch… Continue reading Function Zine Launch
The Toronto Zine Library will not be having staffed hours this Sunday, October 23 because of Canzine. Come visit us! 918 Bathurst Centre, 918 Bathurst St., 1 – 7 pm
Toronto Zine Library writing group
Interested in coming to a writing group? The Toronto Zine Library is looking to start one. Send us an email and we’ll let you know when we figure things out.
Staffed hours cancelled for Wednesday, October 12
Sunday and Tuesday hours will remain unchanged. Regular Wednesday hours will resume the following week. We Apologize for the inconvenience.