Toronto book launch for Cindy Crabb’s Encyclopedia of Doris

Readings by Cindy Crabb, Jeff Miller, Tara Michelle Ziniuk and Laura Mac!!!! Monday, October 3 · 7:00pm – 10:30pm – 292 Brunswick Ave PWYC / Suggested donation $5 / No one turned away for lack of funds The space is wheel chair accessible but the washrooms are not. This show is a child friendly space. Toys will be… Continue reading Toronto book launch for Cindy Crabb’s Encyclopedia of Doris

‘Cover Stories’ in the Tranzac Southern Cross Room

Zine exhibit by Tara Bursey and the TZL group continues… Cover Stories is an exhibition of selections from the public collection of the Toronto Zine Library.  Using thematically-grouped zine covers as a springboard, we thought it would be interesting to highlight zine art and design as a way of telling the greater story of zines– what they… Continue reading ‘Cover Stories’ in the Tranzac Southern Cross Room

New Mexico: ABQ Zine Fest at The Harwood Art Center

A note from our southern pals… Hey Zinesters! The Harwood Art Center is hosting our tabling, some workshops, and the first-ever ABQ Zine Fest ZINE OLYMPICS! We’ll be spending day two of the fest at the Harwood, Saturday, October 1st from 11am–4pm. The Harwood is an old, giant, HAUNTED school at the corner of Mountain… Continue reading New Mexico: ABQ Zine Fest at The Harwood Art Center

New additions for September 11, 2011

Hand Sum #1 / quarter-size / perzine / Elise Boudreau Graham Motivist, Volume 2, #1 / half-size / special interest / Sarah and Al punkasaurus #4 / quarter-size / perzine / Elise Boudreau Graham

Call for submissions: Queer Enough #2

Queer Enough seeks illustrations and non-fiction stories or essays that reflect on experiences in different-gender relationships while being out as queer, for issue #2! Different-gender partners of queers who may not necessarily identify as queer are also welcome to share their thoughts and perspectives. Submissions can address any of these points or propose another topic… Continue reading Call for submissions: Queer Enough #2

Zine Dream 4

Zine Dream 4 is coming soon! On August 21, from 12-5, Zine Dream will take over the Tranzac. Come buy zines from a bunch of different zinemakers and artists, and check out the Toronto Zine Library while you’re at it! and facebook event here