Angry Girrls #2 / half-size / gender/queer / variousARMEd / half-legal / politics / The Anti Racism Media Education CollectiveBackwash #13 / odd-size / culture / Marc HartzmanBoyoboy vol. 3, issue 1 / half-size / gender/queer / variousBoyoboy vol. 3, issue 2 / half-size / gender/queer / variousCrazy Kings #4 / magazine / art /… Continue reading New additions for December 6, 2009
Author: admin
New additions for November 22, 2009
1234V: incidental and anecdotal stories about vaginas. Volume 1, Issue #2. / half-size / gender/queer / Sarah and Jo, eds.As Soon As You’re Born They Make You Feel Small: self determination for children / full-size / politics / variousBackwash / odd-size / fanzine / Marc HartzmanBlow my Colon #2 / half-legal / culture / variousCool… Continue reading New additions for November 22, 2009
New additions for November 8, 2009
Aquagirl:1995 / oddsize / art / Susan Grace Van Beek RogersBoys Can Be Feminists Too! / quarter-size / gender/queer / Krystal LeeCulture Slut #19 / quarter-size / perzine / Amber ForresterCulture Slut #20 / odd-size / perzine / Amber ForresterDangerous Love / half-legal / perzine / Krystal LeeDIY Guide to Radical Cheerleading / quarter-size /… Continue reading New additions for November 8, 2009
The library will be closed for CANZINE 2009
The library will be closed tomorrow November 1st, 2009… because we will be at Canzine 2009. If you’re at Canzine, stop by our table! CANZINE 2009Canada’s Largest Zine Fair and Festival of Alternative Culture Sunday, November 1, 20091pm – 7pmThe Gladstone Hotel1214 Queen St. West (Queen just East of Dufferin)Toronto $5 admission – comes with… Continue reading The library will be closed for CANZINE 2009
The Toronto Zine Library invites you to come and celebrate the Toronto launch of the newly revised & reprinted Stolen Sharpie Revolution with an afternoon of readings by: ALEX WREKK — Portland, OR. (Stolen Sharpie Revolution, Brainscan Zine) JEFF MILLER — Montreal, QC. (Ghost Pine Fanzine, Negative Capability) TERI VLASSOPOULOS — Montreal, QC. (Melt the… Continue reading Hallowzine
New additions for October 25, 2009
10 Things Jesus Wants You To Know #2 / full-size / fanzine / David Parker and Dan HalliganAgainst the Current #61 / full-size / politics / variousAnarchy & Equality #1 / full-size / fanzine / variousAngry Young Woman #7 / full-size / perzine / GloriaBizarre Sex and Other Crimes of Passion 1992 / full-size /… Continue reading New additions for October 25, 2009
New additions for October 19, 2009
We’re trying our best to keep up. Also of note, we have lots of copies of YOU in the library, and have a stash of them for giving away. Stop by and pick one up! 4 1/2 #0 / quarter-size / comics / Stephen Bourne… and my foot goes forward… / quarter-size / perzine /… Continue reading New additions for October 19, 2009
New additions for October 10, 2009
An Alphabetical Compendium of Demons and Evil Ghosts. a colouring book…. / half-size / art / Megan Speers and Amanda BowlesBlue Robots v.s. Red troops / quarter-size / comics / anonymousChimo to Mexico! / half-size / comics / anonymousclose / quarter-size / art / Jason McLean and Mark DeLongComic Book Socialism #2 / half-size /… Continue reading New additions for October 10, 2009
Zine Library closed this Sunday
The zine library will be closed this Sunday, on account of a certain holiday.
New additions for September 27, 2009.
We have so, so much stuff to go through. So much. Thanks for all the donations! All-Weather / half-legal / comics / Marc NguiCharade Magazine #1 / half-size / litzine / W.S. Beaumont, editorCharade Magazine #2 / half-legal / litzine / W.S. Beaumont, editorCoffee… Life’s Black Blood #2 / half-size / perzine / Joe FrankeCog-thunk,… Continue reading New additions for September 27, 2009.