Belated cataloging update: So many new additions. Also, Wednesdays on hiatus

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Hello, friends

Sorry for not keeping in touch. It’s just something we need to work on. You know you can always visit us during staffed hours to chat. Let us know how you’ve been.

We’re still in the midst of cataloging our back-log, but in the mean time take a look at this list of new additions:

anonymous \\ powder box: after the cold \\ Perzine \\ Oddsize
B. B. & B. \\ Beautiful Bras and Bodyhair \\ Gender/Queer \\ Halfsize
Belochka, Risu \\ Gomibako Issues #1, 5-8 \\ Culture \\ Quartersize
Bolt, Jen \\ Houseplants II  \\ Art \\  Oddsize
c., Shae Asher \\ Remixed: (and digitally remastered) Mxtr Kissr \\ Litzine \\ Quartersize
Cave, Dave \\ How Many Pictures of Dicks Do I Have to Look at Before I Stop Wanting to Look at Pictures of Dicks? \\ Gender/Queer \\ Halfsize
Chea, Sinoun \\  Insomnia and the Oneirophiliac \\  Perzine \\ Quartersize
Chea, Sinoun \\ Syncing yawns & spacetime dreams \\  Litzine \\  Oddsize
Clark, James Edward \\ Rob Fuckin’ Ford \\ Art \\ Oddsize
Collaborative Efforts of George Brown Students \\ TPE ZINE \\  Litzine \\  Halfsize
Comeau, Michael \\ Jon Jon Loves Dee Dee and the super triple good \\ Art \\ Oddsize
Culp, Jonathan \\ Stupid Journey #6: 220 Days of Movies \\ Fanzine \\ Half-size
Ed. \\  LTLE \\ Litzine \\ Halfsize
Eds. Prudence, Deirdree, Steven Hughs Purkey, mc Sunflower Jones \\ What’s Your Damage? #1 \\ Special Interest \\ Halfsize
Gelderloos, Peter \\ Anarchy Works #5 \\ Politics \\ Halfsize
Go It Alone (Together) \\ Freelance As Fuck \\ Litzine \\ Quartersize
Hahn, Matt & Ocean \\  Asylum #1/High on Burning Photographs #5 \\ Litzine \\ Halfsize
House of Irony \\ Joy \\ Comics \\ Oddsize
House of Irony \\ Midnight Countdown \\ Comics \\ Oddsize
Kimura, Sae & Jordan Reg. Aelick \\ Wish Zine \\ Comics \\ Halfsize
Landry, Chris \\ Kiss Off #15: the Megabus issue \\ Perzine \\ Quartersize
Mason, Liz \\ The Bad Music Project \\ Litzine \\ Halfsize
Munroe, Jim & Sam Salgood \\ Therefore Repent! \\ Comics \\ Halfsize
Nrchandelsblad \\ The Truth is I Know Little of Spain \\ Art \\ Oddsize
Palasti, Fernanda \\ Through the Rubble I Keep on Trucking \\ Perzine \\ Halfsize
Saidel, Liz \\ Caboose issue #3 \\ Humour \\ Halfsize
Seaman, Patricia \\ Hotel Destine \\ Litzine \\ Halfsize
Smith, Aaron L. \\ Big Hands #4 \\ Perzine \\ Halfsize
Sterawalker, Zack \\ I Am Not A Bad Gorilla \\ Litzine \\ Odd-size
Sunny Dragon Flight \\ Ho Lover: about dating & friending sex workers \\ Gender/Queer \\ Oddsize
Thomas \\ The Newport Dolls \\ Fanzine \\ Halfsize
Withers, A. J. \\ Riots Rebellions & Resistance \\ Politics \\ Halfsize
Witteman, Cassandra \\ Skin, Time and Self \\ Perzine \\ Quartersize
Women Who Witch \\ The Grimoire \\  Gender/Queer \\ Halfsize
Women Who Witch \\ The Grimore #2 \\ Gender/Queer \\ Halfsize
various \\ The Barf Zine \\ Special Insterest \\ Half-legal
various \\ Blot #3 \\ Gender/Queer \\ Halfsize
various \\ dis-n-tangle #1 \\ Gender/Queer \\ Half-legal
various \\ A Student’s Guide to Mental Health \\ Special Interest \\ Halfsize

Also: Wednesday staffed hours will be on hiatus until further notice.