This is a zine-related open call for subs I received from co-curator Kerri-Lynn Reeves in Winnipeg via email yesterday. Sounds great…!
-Tara (TZL)
Create the Situation is looking for contributors. We want you to create the situation!
Inspired by the popular Yippie slogan “create the condition you describe”, Create the Situation provides an opportunity for a broader awareness for creative acts of daily activism through the creation of short run zines that provide suggestions for ways to engage with ones city. Ideas from previous issues have included DIY pothole repair instructions and starting a neighborhood welcoming committee to get to know the neighbors who already live in your neighborhood that you just don’t know yet.
In the Tipping Point author Malcolm Gladwell writes that a revolution isn’t one huge monumental event, but instead a series of small things that build up and make a difference. These ideas for small acts that can be done in the neighborhoods and institutions that make up ones city can in turn lead to making changes in their social engagement with their environment and their neighbors that can lead to at the very least engaged citizenship.
This project is intended to inspire people to take these actions into their own hands, to create not only engaged communities, artists, activists and creative types, but ultimately to create engaged citizens.
We are looking for between 4-12 people to create issues of CTS. (Link to the issues we made). What are your ideas for how to interact with the people and places in your city in potentially unexpected ways?
Accepted individuals will receive a small honorarium as well as printed issues of the quarterly zine. Create the Situation will be printed in the DIY spirit of zine publications. The black and white photocopied booklet will list ideas for how to engage with not only ones neighbors, but with the institutions and infrastructures of the city in unexpected ways. Suggestions might include ways to use your local library, music stores, art galleries, and parks as well as ways to engage with people in your community and inventive solutions for city maintenance. CTS will also be available online as a PDF, as well as mailed out to subscribers and provided free locally in Portland, OR, Winnipeg, MB and the hometown of each contributing author.
To submit please follow the guidelines below to submit your ideas for how to create the situation!
Guidelines for submissions:
- 4 suggestions for ways to engage with ones city. How would you “create the situation“? Feel free to include illustions, photos or diagrams if applicable.
- A brief bio (100 words max)
- Name, address, contact information
Email submissions to by December 15, 2008.
Accepted contributors will be notified by January 3, 2009.