50 x the girl #1 / half-size / gender/queer / various 50 x the girl #2 / half-size / gender/queer / various Cog-thunk, September 2001 / half-size / comics / Marc Ngui Fuzzy Heads are Better #9 / quarter-size / perzine / Patti Kim Girl Cult vol. 3 #1 / half-legal / gender/queer /… Continue reading New additions for November 21, 2012
Category: Uncategorized
Hey everybody! The Pride Library is currently building up its exciting new collection of Queer Graphica, a diverse group of zines, manga, comic books, graphic novels, erotic artbooks, comic strip anthologies, and critical studies. Are you a zinester? A budding comic book artist or illustrator? Get in touch to find out how we can promote… Continue reading PRIDE LIBRARY CALLOUT
We Are Open!
We have made improvements to our mega abode and we are excited to share them with you! Staffed Hours have resumed, come on up! sunday 1-3pm tuesday 6pm-8pm wednesday 6pm-8pm
We’re still painting and re-organizing
Unfortunately, we are still very much in progress with renovating the zine library and things are a mess. We are still not ready to open, which is a bummer because this weekend there are two day time shows at the Tranzac that would probably generate some interest in the zine library and bring people into… Continue reading We’re still painting and re-organizing
Library closed for painting
The Toronto Zine Library will be closed until November 6, as we slowly re-paint.
New additions for October 24, 2012… also, wall repair
We are working on improving the ugly wall in the TZL. The next step will be painting. Here’s what it looks like now: New zine additions: Better Luck Next Year / half-size / art / various Fascinating Folks / half-size / culture / Antoine and Siue Femmes in Space / half-size / gender/queer / various… Continue reading New additions for October 24, 2012… also, wall repair
Poetry reading/performance event!
Wednesday, Oct. 17th (today – sorry for this terribly short notice), The Toronto Zine Library welcomes Monster House Press’ poets and members RYANJ (Columbus, OH) and Richard Wehrenberg Jr. (Bloomington, IN) to the Tranzac Club’s Tiki Room as part of their two-week reading tour. They’ll also have zines and chapbooks for sale. Other special guests… Continue reading Poetry reading/performance event!
New additions for October 3, 2012
“When You Grow Up, Your Heart Dies” / odd-size / litzine / anonymous Anarchist of Love: the secret life of John Henry Mackay / half-size / politics / Hubert Kennedy Deluxe Sexy #3 / quarter-size / comics / Matt Collins End of the Line #1 / full-size / comics / Rob Mirsky End of the… Continue reading New additions for October 3, 2012
New additions for September 18, 2012
if i can’t dance is it still my revolution too (two)? / half-legal / politics / anonymous if i can’t dance is it still my revolution? #3 / half-legal / politics / anonymous Little Gardens for Invalids #3 / half-legal / perzine / Bee Lavery Pocket Knife #1 / half-size / perzine / Jessica Lewis… Continue reading New additions for September 18, 2012
New additions for September 4, 2012
Bar Code Annie #2 / half-size / fanzine / Chris East Side West Side #01 / half-size / perzine / Teresa Edward / half-size / fanzine / Al No External Compulsion #4 / half-size / fanzine / Criterion The Dead Herring / half-size / fanzine / Derek The Dead Herring #3 / half-size / fanzine… Continue reading New additions for September 4, 2012