The Vancouver Public Library is seeking new zines and self-published artists’ books to purchase for our collection. Please email if you have any items you would like the library to purchase and add to our collection. If you live outside of Vancouver, we can arrange a mail order. Please contact me if you have… Continue reading Your zines, in a west coast library!!
Category: Uncategorized
New additions for May 8, 2012
Chickfactor #8 / full-size / fanzine / various Doris #18 / quarter-size / perzine / Cindy Crabb Introvert #5 / quarter-size / perzine / Nicole Mudflaps #2 / half-legal / comics / Nytsirk Noirrud The Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus / odd-size / Wred Fright Release #4 / full-size / Arie-Jan Bakker, Ramon Giorgi, and Markus Wawzyniak… Continue reading New additions for May 8, 2012
New additions for May 1, 2012
Varda de 5 a 10 / quarter-size / comics / Kristin Li For Lack of Better Words / quarter-size / perzine / Sarala B Eat World / half-size / art / Peter J. Lazarski Book Happy / full-size / fanzine / various Lemonbees / quarter-size / perzine/ Clara Bee Lavery bantha fodder #6 / half-size… Continue reading New additions for May 1, 2012
From “Unbound: Speculations on the Future of the Book”
An interesting article on zines by Alana Kumbier, Library & Technology Services, Wellesley College I spent last Sunday afternoon at the Washington Street Art Center in Somerville, celebrating the arrival of spring with a roomful of artists and zine-makers. I had my doubts about whether this small, local event – the Spring Zine Thing –… Continue reading From “Unbound: Speculations on the Future of the Book”
New additions for April 17, 2012
Node Pajomo Summer 2010 / quarter-size / special interest / anonymous Wavelength August 2001 / half-size / fanzine / various Man dressed as rabbit on no.168 to Camden Town / odd-size / art / Chris Bird Edge Detector #2 / full-size / litzine / various The Secret Files of Captain Sissy $4 / half-legal /… Continue reading New additions for April 17, 2012
New additions for April 4, 2012
1 800 311 9700 / odd-size / art / Wesley Muluin 25 Fuis: un livre de Louis Bouvier / odd-size / art / Louis Bouvier A Head Stretched Open / half-size / art / anonymous Bloody Heart and Broken Aorta / odd-size / litzine / Jeseka Hickey Cross-eyed / odd-size / comics / Adam Meuse… Continue reading New additions for April 4, 2012
Library closed on April 8, 2012
We’re going to close on April 8th for holiday/family stuff.
New additions for April 1, 2012
Durable Goods #58 / quarter-size / litzine / Aleathia Drehmer, ed. Durable Goods #59 / quarter-size / litzine / Aleathia Drehmer, ed. Guide to Dating Gangsters #1 / half-size / perzine / Vice Versa Hon: past, present, & future / half-size / culture / William P. Tandy, ed. I’m not angry (anymore) / quarter-size /… Continue reading New additions for April 1, 2012
New additions for March 28, 2012
Affliction #2 / odd-size / litzine / Cate Lawrence and Sara Lindsay Brain Dump: amazing facts and beyond #4 / odd-size / comics / Leon Beyond Butt Dilly / half-size / special interest / anonymous Fuck the shut up!! / half-size / comics / Fly Industrial Workers of the World: general organizational bulletin #4 /… Continue reading New additions for March 28, 2012
New additions for March 25, 2012
Anarchy: a pamphlet / half-size / politics / Errico Malatesta Cinema Sewer #14 / magazine / fanzine / Robin Bougie Cinema Sewer #16 / magazine / fanzine / Robin Bougie Colours of Resistance #1 / half-size / politics / various Cometbus #44 / half-size / perzine / Aaron Cometbus Counterculture #2 / newsprint / politics… Continue reading New additions for March 25, 2012