New additions for May 8, 2012

Chickfactor #8 / full-size / fanzine / various Doris #18 / quarter-size / perzine / Cindy Crabb Introvert #5 / quarter-size / perzine / Nicole Mudflaps #2 / half-legal / comics / Nytsirk Noirrud The Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus / odd-size / Wred Fright Release #4 / full-size / Arie-Jan Bakker, Ramon Giorgi, and Markus Wawzyniak… Continue reading New additions for May 8, 2012

From “Unbound: Speculations on the Future of the Book”

An interesting article on zines by Alana Kumbier, Library & Technology Services, Wellesley College I spent last Sunday afternoon at the Washington Street Art Center in Somerville, celebrating the arrival of spring with a roomful of artists and zine-makers. I had my doubts about whether this small, local event – the Spring Zine Thing –… Continue reading From “Unbound: Speculations on the Future of the Book”