Check it out:

HEART BEAT 960 QUEEN STREET WEST /////////////// Heart Beat 960 is a new storefront/ gallery/ studio/ event space, 960 Queen St at Shaw. Our focus is on locally-produced, artist-run culture. We aim to be community-oriented, accessible and inclusive, multi-disciplinary and generally radical. We’re looking for local artists and craftspeople to display, sell and make their… Continue reading Check it out:

New Additions for this week…

…sorry folks, there are none! Check back next week, as we’ll have plenty of donations from the London Indie Media Fair that we’ll be attending this Saturday!

Last Minute Friday Night Closure

The zine library will not be hosting open hours tonight from 5-7 due to extenuating circumstances. Sorry! The library will also be closed next Friday, the 26th, but will be back on Friday January 2nd. Sunday library hours – from 1 to 3 – will continue as usual.

Call for Submissions- Create the Situation

This is a zine-related open call for subs I received from co-curator Kerri-Lynn Reeves in Winnipeg via email yesterday. Sounds great…! -Tara (TZL) ***** WE WANT YOU TO CREATE THE SITUATION! Create the Situation is looking for contributors. We want you to create the situation! Inspired by the popular Yippie slogan “create the condition you… Continue reading Call for Submissions- Create the Situation

City of Craft 2008

We are very excited to have a community vendor table at this year’s City of Craft! At our table, we will be providing info about our collective activities, handing out literature, selling memberships, and selling our awesome resource zines and pinback buttons to raise much needed funds for our fast approaching 2009 programming! Please come… Continue reading City of Craft 2008

TZL will be present at Canzine; Library Closed.

Hi everyone, tomorrow is CANZINE, so the TZL collective won´t be in library tomorrow but we will have a table at Canzine. Come by and check it out. CANZINESunday, October 26th, 2008The Gladstone Hotel1214 Queen West(just east of Dufferin)1:00-7:00 pm$5.

New Additions for September 28th, 2008

Sorry folks…no zine updates this week. Check back next week… In other news, our website now features a Links/Zine Resources page. Be sure to check it out!

Art Spiegelman Lecture!

Comix 101 Forbidden Images and The Art of Outrage A Lecture by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author, Art Spiegelman Thursday, April 3 at 7:30 the Isabel Bader Theatre93 Charles St.Toronto, Ontario Students and Seniors: $25Regular Admission: $40 As arguably the most influential comic illustrator of our time, Art Spiegelman has changed the literary landscape and… Continue reading Art Spiegelman Lecture!