blurt! #5 / quarter-size / perzine / anonymous Future Fantasteek/ half-size / art / Killed by Kindness / A Little Overdose of Reality / half-size / litzine / Zachary Houle Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: The Politics of Black Women’s Health / half-size/ gender/queer: womens health / Angela Davis The Real Virgin… Continue reading New Additions for October 14th, 2013
Category: Uncategorized
New Additions for the week of September 11th, 2013
beautiful people / half-size / litzine / heather lynn Blod #7 / half-size / fanzine / Anonymous Commune De Paris 1871 / half-size / Politics / Anonymous Girlzilla / half-size / Gender/Queer / Fatsy & Huga Punk Fiction #3 / half-size / fanzine / Various Punk Fiction #5 / half-size / Fanzine / Various Punk… Continue reading New Additions for the week of September 11th, 2013
New Additions for september 4th, 2013
Otaku fanzine #05 / quarter-size / perzine / jeff The Friendly Butcher / half-size / fanzine / anonymous the perfect mixtape segue #03: fixing the plumbing / oddsize / perzine / anonymous Urban Camping #01 / half-size / special interest / anonymous
New Additions for the week of August 28th, 2013
Basic Paper Airplane # 6 / half-size / perzine / Joshua James Amberson Deal With It! #2 / half-Lickety Split #1 / odd-size / gender/queer / ed. Amber Goodwyn Missed Connections in Toronto / half-size / Special Interest / Sofie Mikhaylova Quiet Club / quarter-size / perzine / Polly Urban Emanations / half-size / Litzine… Continue reading New Additions for the week of August 28th, 2013
New Additions For The Week Of August Seventh, Deux Mille Treize
Pishing, Hoodling, Drones & Overtones / quarter-size / special interest / David Tighe So, this is what it’s come to. . . / half-size / comics / Liz Prince; Leslie Perrine; Ramsey Everydaypants; Kettner Spooky Winnipeg / half-size / Fanzine / various Red Alert / quarter-size / Gender/Queer: Women’s Health / various Steve’s Cartoon Diary,… Continue reading New Additions For The Week Of August Seventh, Deux Mille Treize
New Additions for the week of July 31st, 2013
My day… / quarter-size / art / anonymous Pocket / quarter-size / comics / Missy, Paul McCollough Stat 2: Updated Report / quarter-size / art / Sarah McNeil Stat 3: The Third Biannual Mildy Informative Booklet… / quarter-size / art / Sarah McNeil This, circular tower / half-size / litzine / rob mclennan
New Additions for the week of July 24th, 2013
Scorched / half-size / litzine / Ina Wood See No Speak No Hear No / half-legal / gender/queer / Cindy Crabb, ed. The Sex Project / half-size / perzine / Liz Groeneveld watch him bleed #1 / quarter-size / perzine / Ivana Stab flux #1 / half-full / photography / various
An art exhibition featuring Adam Kindred (Halifax), Alex Ratcharge (France), Alexander Heir (NYC), Dustin McChesney (Minneapolis), Emma Maatman (LA), Erick Lyle (NYC), Heather Benjamin (NYC), Jill Pucciarelli (NYC), Leah Wishnia (NYC), Matthew McGarry (Rochester), Nathan Gattis (Chicago), Paul D’Elia (LA), Sam Ryser (NYC), Shiva Addanki (NYC), Spoiler (Montreal), Tara Bursey (Toronto), Weird Luke (NYC) and… Continue reading FEAR OF PUNK//FEAR OF ART
New Additions for the week of July 10th, 2013
Chit Funnies, vol.1 / full-size / comics / moose lair production house Echo Echo #10 / quarter size / perzine / Keet G. Infecticitis #3 / half size / perzine / Halley Murray The Index#3: The Library / odd size / comics / Caitlin Cass The House of Crosses / half size / fanzine /… Continue reading New Additions for the week of July 10th, 2013
New Additions for July 3, 2013
Butch nor Femme #3/ Curioddity #4 / half-size / perzine / Lynne Monsoon/ Dalice Malice Malcriada #02 / half-size / Perzine / Suzy X Potty Language, Vol.1/ Your Secretary #9 / half-size / perzine / Antonia M.K./ Jami Sailor Thirdspace Vol. 27 / half-full / gender/queer / various Mind Theatre #10 / Full-Size / comics… Continue reading New Additions for July 3, 2013