Do you feel your life is drab and boring? Tired of the same old routine day in, day out, week in, week out? Why not add some ZINES to your life. Colourful in content (in more than one way), zines are a guaranteed fix to all your humdrum woes. Become the exciting person you yearn to become! Come by and read some zines!
For your consideration, here are some recently catalogued zines:
- Fermentation is Fun!! // food // odd-size // Xander
- Witches, Midwives & Nurses // special interest // half-size // reprint from 1972
- We know what our fists are for // gender/queer // quarter-size // anonymous
- The Children of Adam // politics // quarter-size // anonymous
- Marriage & Love // politics // half-size // Emma Goldman
- The Peak vol.29:5 // politics // full-size // various (University of Guelph)
- Sol Rising #48 // fanzine // half-size // Alicia Freeborn
- Amazed and Adored // art // odd-size // anonymous
- How to Raise a Parent // litzine // half-size // Carly Stasko
- Manit and the Nightmares // comics // odd-size // Claude Lalumiere & Robert Bottenberg
- Keep on Dronin’ & other comix // comics // half-legal // Cameron Lee
- 7 – 11 – 14 // perzine // odd-size // AW
- Sigera #3: My Big Fat Zine // perzine // half-size // Christy
- Wiseblood (#s 59-61) // perzine // half-size // Fishpit
- Diary Entries from my Eating Disorder // perzine // half-size // Sofie Mikhaglova\
- Una Lee, Sheila Sampath and Souvankham Thammavongsa. big boots 2.3 – sista resista. Litzine. Quarter-size
- Una Lee, Sheila Sampath and Souvankham Thammavongsa. big boots 2.1 – dis/placement. Litzine. Quarter-size.
- COPB. The Impact of Bill C-36 the “Anti-Terrorist Legislation”, Bill C-35 & C-42, “The Public Safety Act” with a Special Feature on New Money and Powers for Enforcement. Politics. Half-size.
- Pussywillow. Beating Around the Bush … issue 2, 3, 4. Gender/Queer. Half-size.
- K. The Bruises on my Thigh are Shaped like a Map of Italy. Perzine. Quarter-size.
- Committee to Stop Targeted Policing. Above the Law? Politics. Odd-size.
- heze. s/he’s got labe. Gender/Queer. Odd-size.
- Supporting Our Youth. Fresh Off the Boat. Gender/Queer. Odd-size.
- jae. seed. Special Interest. Quarter-size.
- Tenacious: Writings from Women in Prison (Spring 2003, Issue 4). Various authors, Black Star Publishing. Litzine, Booksize.
- Zine Making : an introduction. By Sarah. Misc/Special Interest: Zines on Zines. Quarter size. Written for a zine workshop in Halifax, 2003.
- Neighbourhood Policing: Caressing the Community with an Iron Fist. by COBP: Collectif Oppose a la Brutalite Policiere / Collective Opposed to Police Brutality. Politics. Booksize.
- MADCOW : The Blue Issue (2000). Mad Cow c/o UofT Women’s Centre, Various Authors. Gender/Queer. Booksize.
- Letters from the War Years : some notes on love and struggle in times of war – a queer/trans/POC/anti-war zine. Various authors. Gender/Queer. Booksize.
- Letters from the War Years: Some Notes on Love and Strugglees of War – A Queer/Trans/POC Anti-War Zine. Politics: Anti-Racism/Feminism/. Legal halfsize. 2 issues added to the collection.
And a bunch of Razorcakes, and oh so much more.